Temporary public policy to facilitate the granting of permanent residence for foreign nationals in Canada, outside of Quebec, with a recent credential from a Canadian post-secondary institution
In November 2020, Canada announced a target of 401,000 admissions of new permanent residents in 2021 as part of its 2021-2023 Immigration Levels Plan. In light of the extended border closures and challenges in admitting new permanent residents from overseas, Canada has looked at temporary residents currently in Canada who could contribute to economic immigration objectives. These foreign nationals, who are already employed in Canada and contributing to the labour market, represent the key talent that Canada strives to retain through economic immigration programming. In granting permanent residence to these individuals who have been granted a Canadian educational credential, Canada will be able to benefit from their education and experience over the long-term. In the absence of this public policy, it is unlikely that Canada would be in a position to welcome the ambitious level of newcomers necessary to help support the country’s economic recovery and growth.
Original Article Source Credits: Canada.ca, https://www.canada.ca/
Article Written By: NA
Original Article Posted on: April 12, 2021
Link to Original Article: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/mandate/policies-operational-instructions-agreements/public-policies/trpr-international-graduates.html