NSNP: Physician

What is the Physician stream?

The Physician Stream assists Nova Scotia’s public health authorities – the Nova Scotia Health Authority (NSHA) and the Izaak Walton Killam Health Centre (IWK) – to hire general practitioners, family physicians, and specialist physicians to work in Nova Scotia.  After being nominated, the applicants can apply to the federal government to become Permanent Residence.

What are the requirements of the Physician Stream?

These are generally the requirements of this program.

  • Have an approved opportunity from the NSHA or IWK as either a general practitioner and family physician (NOC 3112) or a specialist physician (NOC 3111);
  • May need to provide a copy of a signed Return for Service Agreement with the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness indicating commitment to live and work in Nova Scotia for a minimum period of two years.

The job offer must be on official NSHA or IWK letter head and must:

  • Be signed and dated by a person authorized to hire physicians at the NSHA or IWK.
  • Be signed and dated by the applicant who is accepting the opportunity.
  • Indicate eligibility for licensure with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of NS.
  • Indicate that the applicant is eligible to apply for privileges and credentials with NSHA and the IWK.

You and your employer must provide various documents to support your application. Springwind Immigration professional team will help you to complete the complicated application process. You can reach us by ways of:

Phone: 1-647-869-6678 or 1-647-748-0188

Email: info@springwindimmigration.com

Wechat: jennyl199

WhatsApp: +1-647-869-6678